That is to say, places, groups and individual robots which can be plugged in to your game like... a new computer chip :D A mod to flesh out your world with as much ease as possible.

For example, a deserted town or an insane robot trying to keep things the way they were... or maybe the group of freedom fighting robots which are trying to stop said mad-bot, or a well known junk-dealing robot which is especially good at locating items you may need or want. Anything you can come up with, a maintenance-bot that's barely functioning itself, or has a contact or a location with a good supply of parts. An official - or maybe underground - robot who can supply your characters with upgrades and alterations 'in game'....for a price.

Let your imaginations run wild! ^-^ 
7/6/2017 10:20:18 am

I have several characters I created, how do I post them?


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