0101011101101000011000010111010000111111 (What?)

I DIDN'T CREATE ENGINE HEART!  [[Also, that 'What?' is the translation of the binary code there :3]]
I'm just a fan and, I guess, a player. Why guess? <. < Because I have no one to play it with...

But I can create my own stuff for use with it! :D And so can you, just post it here.

Weebly's ToS has the usual 'we can use your stuff' line that many sites (like forumer) has but it has an additional line which says it LOSES all rights to your content when you terminate your site :3 Hey, it's better than them keeping it always like so many others!

Creator of Engine Heart, please don't sue! :x I'm not rich so it wouldn't be worth it, I create this site out of love for your fantastic game and so there is a place for people to just quickly jot things down or respond to other ideas....

<. < I realise there's the /tg/ thread(s) but they aren't very pretty and I find this style easier to scan through (so I guess it would be easier for others too?), plus it seems they get killed/archived fairly quickly?? That's the impression I got anyways >.<  .... <3

Engine Heart Links!

If you want to download the rules and a character sheet (or the short adventure module 'The Farm') then the Engine Heart Wiki is where you want to go :3